There are a number of reputable websites and scientific discussion
groups related to hummingbirds and hummingbird research. I have
linked to a few of these below so that researchers, birders, and others
interested in hummingbirds can easily access this information. The
Michigan HummerNet is affiliated with the first two links listed
The Hummer/Bird Study
Group (HBSG) is a non-profit organization founded by Bob and Martha
Sargent of Clay, Alabama. It is dedicated to the study and preservation
of hummingbirds and other Neo-tropical migrants (songbirds).
Operation Rubythroat is a
cross-disciplinary international initiative in which people collaborate
to study behavior and distribution of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
A very good page describing the hows and whys of Hummingbird
Banding is provided.
The Hummingbird Society is a
nonprofit corporation (Delaware) organized in 1996 for the purpose of
encouraging international understanding and conservation of hummingbirds
- publishing and disseminating information
- promoting and supporting scientific study
- protecting habitat
Trochilids -
Hummingbird Web Page
Hummingbird Research Projects and other hummingbird information compiled
by Stacy Jon Peterson (you'll find the Michigan HummerNet listed here,
as well as hummingbird photos from my website). A wealth of
information. Provides links to several other sites
describing Hummingbird
Welcome to, the source for information on attracting,
watching, feeding, and studying North American hummingbirds. Of
particular interest on this page is a discussion of what we know and
don't know about Ruby-throated Hummingbird Migration
and another page answering frequently
asked questions about hummingbirds.
This is an excerpt from the Birds of North America series on the life
history of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
Information - All You Want to Know
A summary of hummingbird biology and behavior.
- Hummingbird "species finder"
Photos as well as description, voice, habitat, nesting, and range for 16
North American hummingbird species.
An ID site for 17 North American hummingbird species.
Albino hummingbirds
Provides several photos of albino hummingbirds, mainly in the southeast.
A discussion group on hummingbirds sponsored by the Louisiana State
University. Listowner is Dr. Van Remsen. Many of the
Michigan HummerNet summaries have been posted to this list. For
instructions on how to subscribe, click
here. |